Radiant Infloor Heat
The Ultimate Heating System in Comfort and Efficiency

With energy savings of up to 40 percent and the design flexibility, reliable components and the superior service of Janes Radiant Heating technicians, in-floor heating is the ideal choice for any home in the Puget sound area.
Once you’ve experienced the comfort of in-floor heating, it’s hard to live with anything else. With forced air or baseboard systems, warm air enters the room from fixed points along the walls and quickly finds it way to the ceiling. This results in erratic, inconsistent temperature fluctuations throughout the room, and a greater potential for heat loss at the ceiling and along exterior walls.
The ideal heating system is one that concentrates the heat where you live, near the floor. That’s precisely how in-floor heating works. Heat is generated from any hot water source, then it uses the entire floor as a radiator, surrounding people and objects with heating comfort – and concentrating that comfort near the floor. The temperature throughout the room remains nearly constant. This factor alone reduces heat loss by up to 25 percent when compared to similar homes using conventional heating methods. In-floor heating is very low maintenance and accommodates a wide variety of floor systems and coverings.